Chicken’s Corner: A Friendship Deepening

Chicken’s Corner: A Friendship Deepening

Some of you may have been following along on Instagram, or picked up on my hints of a burgeoning love, but Chicken has found a friend for himself. He has been reluctant at best, but his icy demeanour is slowly melting.


August 01, 2021 — Liz Chan
Letter Writing Supply Bins

Letter Writing Supply Bins

I’ve been writing letters these past few days, weeks. I find I need some momentum to really get going, otherwise one greeting card in the mail for a special occasion just wipes me right out.

July 29, 2021 — Liz Chan
The Studio Shop As Cave

The Studio Shop As Cave

The studio shop continues its half-life as a cave. With all the excitement of reopening the main shop, at the back of my mind, being coddled in the cobwebs and construction debris, is still the studio shop and what it will look like moving forward. 
July 26, 2021 — Liz Chan
Blackwing Volume 64: The Comic Book Pencil

Blackwing Volume 64: The Comic Book Pencil

I haven’t been this excited for a Blackwing Volume in ages, although I’ve come to understand that this Volume is actually a bit of a polarizing edition.

July 23, 2021 — Liz Chan
Reopening Plans

Reopening Plans

I feel as though we’ve been beating around the bush on this for so long we’ve maybe wandered away from the bush and gotten lost, but we are now coming back to it, Moses in the desert. We are reopening at long last. Some of you and some of us may not have fully believed that this day would come, but it is on the calendar, as are all other days: Saturday, July 24th.

July 22, 2021 — Liz Chan
Sunday Reading

Sunday Reading

Any season is reading season, but outdoor reading season is obviously the best, followed closely by indoor reading season. I’ve discovered that having a cat can actually be motivation to read: company, the impossibility of getting up when a cat is on your lap, his insightful and thought-provoking comments.

July 18, 2021 — Liz Chan
Camping Stationery

Camping Stationery

Part of the joy of traveling or going on a road trip or a camping trip is planning the stationery I’m going to bring. Despite efforts to the contrary, I’ve discovered that you can’t bring everything, which can also be a good way to unplug, giving yourself a break from the deluge of abundance. You can pick a few letters to respond to, some journaling. We were gone for four days, so I didn’t need to pack too much, but it was nice to be overly prepared for all wilderness emergencies.

July 15, 2021 — Liz Chan
Notebook Comparisons: Taroko Odyssey, Taroko Mystique, Itoya Profolio

Notebook Comparisons: Taroko Odyssey, Taroko Mystique, Itoya Profolio

We “recently” got in some new notebooks, which is always fun. Actually we did recently get a whole bunch of really nice notebooks in (Life, Maruman, Stalogy both standard line and special edition), but I’m still playing catch up in life so you could perhaps expect a blog post outlining those new items sometime in 3-4 months.

July 12, 2021 — Liz Chan


We went camping! It’s always fun, even if it’s a ton of work and more expensive than you think it ought to be, mostly because we are frauds and require air mattresses and extra snacks and paper towels. At home, and even at the shop, we’ve never used paper towels—we’ve always used washable cloths, of which we have lots. It was so strange that the kids didn’t even know what paper towel was, and for the duration of the trip, referring to it as the big toilet paper.

July 09, 2021 — Liz Chan
The Superior Labor Utility Case

The Superior Labor Utility Case

One of the newer pieces that The Superior Labor has released is their Utility Case, available in four different leather colours. I recently brought it on a camping trip to hold my bulkier stationery supplies and of course I loved it. I’m going to share what I brought in my case soon, but before then I thought I would share some more detailed photos of the case itself and the colours available.

July 07, 2021 — Liz Chan