Happy Friday! It's been a busy week, and I think it's only going to get busier as we head into the holidays. We have lots of exciting things ahead - including TWSBI's 580 AL in Blue! We are hoping for them early next week. This weekend we have calligraphy classes all day on Saturday, and another full Children's Handwriting Class on Sunday. We're continuing to expand our calligraphy lines and we're really excited to bring in a new line of nibs, William Mitchell from the UK. We've heard so much about these nibs; our calligraphy teachers have highly recommended them, and other experienced calligraphers who stop by the shop often mention this as a great line of nibs to carry. We are definitely looking ahead and have some plans for other lines of calligraphy gear, so stay tuned!
William Mitchell Copperplate Calligraphy Set Oblique Nib Wonder Pens wonderpens.ca Blog Toronto Canada
We have three sets of nib holders + nibs - the Round Hand, the Copperplate and the Poster. These are great if you're looking for a comprehensive set, whether you're a complete beginner or if you're more experienced and you're looking for a set to give you flexibility in the size and styles of work you're doing.
William Mitchell Calligraphy Roundhand Nib Set with Holder Wonder Pens Blog wonderpens.ca Toronto Canada
And we've also got some Mitchell nibs available separately - the Round Hand and the Copperplate nibs.
William Mitchell Copperplate Oblique Nibs Wonder Pens Blog wonderpens.ca Toronto Canada Calligraphy Supplies
We also have the slip-on reservoir, which you can use optionally with the round hand nibs - it's an additional reservoir of ink. It literally slips on behind the nib to give you a bit more ink. You can tweak it slightly if you need to, so it fits against the nib.
William Mitchell Calligraphy Slip On Reservoir for Nibs Wonder Pens wonderpens.ca Toronto Canada
I hope you're all having a great start to the weekend! It's cooling down and sweaters and jackets are out. I've been trying to make the most of the fall weather before it really begins to dip down, so Caleb and I have been making trips to the parks where he eats leaves and climbs out stairs and precariously attempts to step off into thin air and we come home dusty and dirty and ready for a nap. But the best part of the fall weather is a sleepy baby, a cup of hot coffee and some pens and inks all over the kitchen table.

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October 23, 2015 — wonderpens

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