
Life Japanese Stationery Noble Note B6 Life Japanese Stationery is a well-established brand in Japan, known for its high quality of paper and bindings. The company continues to make its notebooks by hand, resulting in a touch of old world quality. These notebooks are beautiful - something to stand apart from the standard black notebooks with super fountain pen friendly paper.
The Noble Note series is available in B5 (25 x 17.6 cm), A5 (14.8 x 21 cm) and B6 (17.6 x 12.5 cm) which is reviewed here. Lines are 8mm apart, and light grey with a thicker line at top and bottom of page.
The design on these notebooks is a little fancy, a little vintage. Each notebook is made up of individually stitched notebooks, cloth-taped together at the spine. The tape is surprisingly durable and allows you to "crease" the spine without worrying about breaking it. At some points in the notebook, it will lie flat without effort, but otherwise you will need to crease the spine to get it to lie open.
I had Sailor Grenade in my Dilli Flex from the last review, which is a great combination, so I put it into this notebook as well. This paper is some of the highest quality paper around - super smooth and creamy white. Life Japanese Stationery doesn't indicate the weight of the paper, but I would guess 90-100gsm.
This is a notebook that is on the pricier end of the notebooks we carry, but this paper is as good as (or better?) than the Rhodia paper that's often a go-to for fountain pens.
This paper is more than fountain pen friendly: generally speaking, this paper handles all sorts of ink and pen combinations without bleed through or feathering (even as hard as I'm pressing with the flex nib, which I'm still practising with!)
Having a bit of a hard time finding reviews elsewhere online! If you have one or see one, please let me know so I can add the link.

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May 07, 2013 — wonderpens



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