Way back a million years, Jon and I were young and in love and on different continents, pining after each other. I was in Madagascar, and Jon was in Canada, and then he left for a stint to travel through Asia. While the pangs of young love were strong, I'm pretty sure if you were a third party watching on, Jon and I were some kind of pathetic. Story 1: Jon and I used very expensive phone cards to call each other, and mostly Jon calling me from wherever he was in Asia to where I was teaching in Antananarivo. One day, I noticed five or six missed calls, and when I finally got in contact with Jon, Jon was in a state of panic, and told me he was in a motorcycle accident, describing in horrific detail the event of his motorcycle skidding and flying metres across dirt and gravel-covered roads. I immediately began freaking out, and imagining all sorts of dramatic scenarios involving suspect blood transfusions and hospitals out in the bush and helicopters (I watched many episodes of ER in high school, which obviously have given me a very realistic sense of what injury abroad looks like). After some prodding, however, I discovered that Jon's motorcycle accident resulted in a scraped pinky-toe and a lesson learned to always wear shoes, and not flip flops, when on a motorcycle. Luckily for him, he had motorcycle insurance so any damage could at least be covered by the insurance company. If you have been involved in an accident that's a big more serious than just a scraped pinky-toe then you might want to contact someone like a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer to see if you could get compensation if the accident wasn't your fault. It really was silly the amount of fuss he was making over a few minor cuts! This was the first tell-tale sign that in our life together, Jon would not make the best sick-patient, and we have since had some high-drama sore throats and paper cuts.
Snail Mail Wonder Pens Letter Writing Club Toronto Canada
Story 2: I wrote him love letters from afar. I got a pack of airmail envelopes from the local Shop Rite, and wrote him about my new adventures and new food and attempts to learn the new language and of course, went on and on about tender devotedness and the woes of separation. I will (very kindly) spare you the sordid details. All of this is to remind you that this Valentine's Day, our Letter Writing Club is still on! With all the InCoWriMo flying around, what better month to stop by and write some letters around our table. Whether or not you're separated from your special someone, or, for that matter, whether or not you're in any sort of special relationship, consider pouring your heart out, embracing sincere affection in the form of embarrassingly honest romantic notions on a piece of paper. And even better, send it in the mail - who knows what spies may intercept! Oh, the danger! What fun! As always, our Letter Writing Club is on Sunday afternoon from 2-4 pm, free, and we've got stationery, pens + stamps for you to use.
Snail Mail Wonder Pens Letter Writing Club Toronto Canada

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February 11, 2016 — wonderpens



blog3003 said:

This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something that helped me.



blog3006 said:

That is a very good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Simple but very accurate information… Thank you for sharing this one.
A must read post!


Anonymous said:

Oh yes, Jon is quite the romantic at heart! :)

I completely agree that cards with something more personal, especially a photo capturing a point in time for kids who change and grow so fast, is such a beautiful and valuable thing. Thanks so much for sharing! Hope your move was smooth, can wait to read more on your blog :)

Lisa with the Motorcycle

Lisa with the Motorcycle said:

I loved hearing these stories in person. They make my heart smile.

I’m coming this Sunday, hopefully with 2 coworkers and am trying to get Bobby to come out too.

Looking forward to seeing you, Jon and Caleb!



Anonymous said:

That’s so great to hear! I hope we’ll see you on Sunday, and please tell Bobby that he has to come as well!! :)

Michael Simon

Michael Simon said:

Love your phrase—“high-drama sore throats and paper cuts.”
You have a great way with words.


Anonymous said:

Thanks so much! I’m glad to hear you are enjoying reading along with the blog, although I must say that life hands me all my material, haha! :)


Sola said:

Madagascar is almost THE byword for exotic locations, isn’t it? Up there with Timbuktu? In any case you seem to have had a great romance :)

I try to write to friends as often as possible too. Recently, upon leaving Montreal, I sent out DIY cards to my son’s friends and their moms (made my son sit down and write a couple of lines, to which I added a few more words). They were blank Strathmore cards for mixed media with photo printouts of the children taped in front. Very simple but makes a good keepsake, and guaranteed to be treasured far longer than expensive store-bought cards :)

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